Everyone wants to live at home for as long as possible. Caregivers can help people with Alzheimer's disease stay in their homes by addressing common safety concerns, as well as knowing the signs that a transition to in-home health care or a long-term care facility is necessary. Being home alone, chemical hazards, driving, and falls pose major health risks, and wandering away from supervision can seriously endanger the person with Alzheimer's disease. And even once these issues have been addressed, caregivers are faced with a host of questions about the ideal living arrangement for their loved one. Which home services can ease the burden of caregiving? When is moving in with a family member appropriate? When should your loved one transition to a full-time care facility or memory care unit? Having tackled these issues in our own lives, we've compiled detailed checklists to help you with decisions, large and small, that you will face about your loved one's care. With concise checklists on everything from fall prevention to deciding on a memory care unit, this short guide takes the guesswork out of Alzheimer's disease caregiving.